Farcast biodynamics | Precision Cancer Medicine
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TruTumor Precision Therapeutics


Preserving native contextures in the human tumor microenvironment

Capturing the heterogeneity in tumor response and resistance ex-vivo

Simultaneously comparing multiple therapies for a single tumor

Generating predictive biosignatures to guide decision making through out clinical development of novel therapeutics

 panCK CD8 CD3 CD68 Nucleus

Farcast proprietary image 

Making Precision Cancer Medicine Work Better

Our mission is to make precision cancer medicine work better for patients. Because poor response rates of cancer therapies places a large burden on patients and health systems​

Perturbation of live Tumor Microenvironments (TME) with existing or under development cancer therapies and their combinations empowers the Farcast biodynamics system to predict response and estimate prognosis more accurately. The system's integration of multimodal signals from the TME and its peripheral components has the power to reshape response rates for cancer patients


Farcast has been a leader in TME research from inception at MIT in 2012 with experience of evaluating 25,000+ TMEs since. Through trusted relationships with network of global cancer centers for processing of multi-population tumor samples


The Farcast technology system generates high quality, multimodal data from its advanced anthropic (true-to-human) systems to truly capture the complexity of tumor response and resistance to treatments. Treatment response and resistance “big data” are mined using the platform's AI capabilities to discover biosignatures with higher predictive power compared to simplistic biomarkers. Over 25,000 human tumors have been processed by the platform in multiple solid tumor types, across multiple mechanisms and diverse population cohorts.

SITC 2024: Identifying and targeting resistance factors upon immune checkpoint inhibition for better combinatorial treatment
strategies leading to improved outcomes
Immunocon 2024: Effect of treatment with immune checkpoint inhibitors on different immune sub-populations in the tumor microenvironment
Nature Comm FEB 2024:
Tumor histoculture captures the dynamic interactions between tumor and immune components in response to anti-PD1 in head and neck cancer
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